Hello i'm using l2Script Zaken, and my problem is ALL skills of duelist/gk who requires momentums (charges) aren't using as condition, so you can use all without momentums. All skills have the condition but with some reason it aren't using it. here is the code: Код: <skill id="461" levels="3" name="Break Duress"> <!-- Description: Lvl 1 - Use your spirit to escape from an immobile state. Level 2 Focused Force charge required. Lvl 2 - Use your spirit to escape from a slow or immobile state. Level 3 Focused Force charge required. --> <table name="#num_charges">2 3</table> <table name="#magicLevel">60 66</table> <table name="#dispel_sd_max_abnormal_lvl">0 3</table> <table name="#mp_consume">29 33 37</table> <table name="#reuseDelay">600000 420000 300000</table> <set name="icon" value="icon.skill0461"/> <set name="reuseDelay" value="#reuseDelay"/> <set name="hitTime" value="3000"/> <set name="mp_consume" value="#mp_consume"/> <set name="ride_state" value="NONE"/> <set name="magicLevel" value="#magicLevel"/> <set name="hitCancelTime" value="500"/> <set name="target" value="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="operate_type" value="A2"/> <set name="num_charges" value="#num_charges"/> <set name="skillType" value="BUFF"/> <for> <effect name="i_dispel_by_slot"> <def name="abnormal_type" value="speed_down"/> <def name="max_abnormal_level" value="#dispel_sd_max_abnormal_lvl"/> </effect> <effect name="i_dispel_by_slot"> <def name="abnormal_type" value="root_magically"/> <def name="max_abnormal_level" value="3"/> </effect> <effect name="i_dispel_by_slot"> <def name="abnormal_type" value="root_physically"/> <def name="max_abnormal_level" value="3"/> </effect> </for> </skill> the formula num_charges where is located?
as a variant of this: <table name="#num_charges">2 3</table> You have 3 levels of skill and table values only for 2 level may be: <table name="#num_charges">2 3 4</table>
i think that isn't the problem because all skills use the correct charges if u have it, but the problem is the condition because you can use with 0 charges too. here is another example: Код: <skill id="443" levels="1" name="Force Barrier"> <set name="icon" value="icon.skill0443"/> <set name="reuseDelay" value="900000"/> <set name="hitTime" value="2000"/> <set name="mp_consume" value="72"/> <set name="ride_state" value="NONE"/> <set name="abnormal_effect" value="INVINCIBILITY"/> <set name="abnormal_time" value="10"/> <set name="abnormal_level" value="1"/> <set name="abnormal_type" value="invincibility"/> <set name="abnormal_cancel_on_action" value="true"/> <set name="magicLevel" value="77"/> <set name="hitCancelTime" value="500"/> <set name="target" value="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" value="BUFF"/> <set name="operate_type" value="A2"/> <set name="num_charges" value="4"/> <cond msgId="113"> <using kind="Dual Fist"/> </cond> <for> <effect name="Invulnerable"/> <effect name="p_block_debuff"/> </for> </skill>
skills.dtd haven't a condition for charges, you know how to add it? Код: <!ELEMENT player (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST player residence CDATA #IMPLIED olympiad CDATA #IMPLIED race CDATA #IMPLIED instance_zone CDATA #IMPLIED is_clan_leader CDATA #IMPLIED is_hero CDATA #IMPLIED sex CDATA #IMPLIED classId CDATA #IMPLIED minLevel CDATA #IMPLIED max_level CDATA #IMPLIED avail_max_sp CDATA #IMPLIED quest_state CDATA #IMPLIED min_pledge_rank CDATA #IMPLIED class_type CDATA #IMPLIED summon_siege_golem CDATA #IMPLIED running CDATA #IMPLIED percentHP CDATA #IMPLIED resting CDATA #IMPLIED max_level CDATA #IMPLIED maxPK CDATA #IMPLIED percentMP CDATA #IMPLIED moving CDATA #IMPLIED standing CDATA #IMPLIED damage CDATA #IMPLIED percentCP CDATA #IMPLIED direction CDATA #IMPLIED riding CDATA #IMPLIED flying CDATA #IMPLIED castle_type CDATA #IMPLIED min_clan_level CDATA #IMPLIED has_abnormal_type CDATA #IMPLIED has_summon_id CDATA #IMPLIED can_transform CDATA #IMPLIED can_untransform CDATA #IMPLIED agathion CDATA #IMPLIED hasBuffId CDATA #IMPLIED flyingTransform CDATA #IMPLIED isFlagged CDATA #IMPLIED can_learn_skill CDATA #IMPLIED is_chaotic CDATA #IMPLIED>
skill id="461" levels="3" данный скилл толь 2 уровня что вроде этого примера <skill id="461" levels="2" name="Break Duress"> <table name="#mpConsume2"> 33 37 </table> <set name="mpConsume2" val="#mpConsume2"/> <set name="isMagic" val="0"/> <set name="ride_state" val="ride_none"/> <set name="olympiadUse" val="true"/> <table name="#castRange">-1 -1</table> <table name="#effectPoint">438 438</table> <table name="#magicLevel">60 66</table> <!-- Lvl 1 - Uses Focused Force to escape from an immobile state. Level 2 Focused Force charge required. Lvl 2 - Uses Focused Force to escape from a slow or immobile state. Level 3 Focused Force charge required. --> <table name="#num_charges">2 3</table> <set name="castRange" val="#castRange"/> <set name="effectPoint" val="#effectPoint"/> <set name="magicLevel" val="#magicLevel"/> <set name="hitTime" val="3000"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="4000"/> <set name="target_type" val="self"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="num_charges" val="#num_charges"/> <set name="affect_scope" val="single"/> <for> <effect name="i_dispel_by_slot" slotType="root" maxAbnormalLevel="3"/> <effect name="i_dispel_by_slot" slotType="root_physically" maxAbnormalLevel="3"/> <effect name="i_dispel_by_slot" slotType="RunSpeedDown" maxAbnormalLevel="3" skillLevel="2"/> </for> </skill>
i think that isn't the problem look at this same problem, can be used without charges, if you have 4 charges it consumes 4. Код: <skill id="443" levels="1" name="Force Barrier"> <set name="icon" value="icon.skill0443"/> <set name="reuseDelay" value="900000"/> <set name="hitTime" value="2000"/> <set name="mp_consume" value="72"/> <set name="ride_state" value="NONE"/> <set name="abnormal_effect" value="INVINCIBILITY"/> <set name="abnormal_time" value="10"/> <set name="abnormal_level" value="1"/> <set name="abnormal_type" value="invincibility"/> <set name="abnormal_cancel_on_action" value="true"/> <set name="magicLevel" value="77"/> <set name="hitCancelTime" value="500"/> <set name="target" value="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" value="BUFF"/> <set name="operate_type" value="A2"/> <set name="num_charges" value="4"/> <cond msgId="113"> <using kind="Dual Fist"/> </cond> <for> <effect name="Invulnerable"/> <effect name="p_block_debuff"/> </for> </skill>