Файлы сервера Metin2 с исправлениями и многое другое!

Тема в разделе "Metin 2", создана пользователем vasilachyk, 17 ноя 2017.

  1. vasilachyk

    vasilachyk Капля-Доверия
    Админы не рекомендуют.

    17 ноя 2017
    Это эмулятор для серверов Metin 2 с несколькими исправлениями и уникальными системами,
    которые делают эту версию наилучшим выбором для эмуляции сервера,
    у меня просто нет подтверждения того,
    что источник включен,
    ниже вы можете увидеть гигантский список модификаций,
    сработанных в этой версии ,

    • Modified game file, dbcache and qc-file
    • License functions completely removed! Now the server will never be seen as "invalid". The functions by removing the game file will slightly accelerate.
    • Time bomb fixed. It is now no longer even carry out a review to it. Utilizes the game file, as long as you want!
    • All Exp tables were thrown together to Exp table: exp_table_common. This was extended in order to accommodate up to 200 levels can.
    • Max_level can be raised above 255!
    • Status Points are increased with each level, no matter how high max_level! This can of course be determined by using the CONFIG still even.
    • Vampirism fixed! Waffensuras will no longer injure themselves when they achieve a overkill. Instead, he heals himself still.
    • Experience Bonis act now cumulative. This means that you can now no longer a chance to get experience with Bonis through items etc. to higher experience, but definitely always gets so much% more experience.
    • Version-check has been rewritten and now checks correctly the server and client version. Also, the server version in the config can be set.
    • Yang-limit has been increased to up to 999 999 999 999
    • Membuf errors have been fixed! Now optimized buffer are used, which do not consume too much RAM, but hold still enough to keep the players.
    • Priv_empire can be assigned more than 2000
    • Many new quest features, when-timer and config options
    • Compiled under a new gcc version: gcc 4.9! This makes the game file is smaller, faster and more stable.
    • Linker optimization for better performance!
    • Optimization flags were used to make the game even faster file
    • Ip's starting with the 5th and 25th inernal the ip-check made
    • Items can be sold for gold 0
    • 6/7 Bonis work!
    • Function name changes Irish under each locale
    • Gold-Overflow is now impossible! Should there be an overflow, the yang is set to the maximum value instead.
    • The horses table was expanded to 51 levels. Now you can also the higher horses a complete makeover etc..
    • New error handling for bonus overflows! From now on Bonis running too high, set to the maximum, and generate a warning in the syserr.
    • Player's speed will be monitored by the server and reduced, it should not exceed the maximum speed
    • Skills can now change a lot more bonuses!
    • The database cache can now start without txt's!
    • If you are teleported to a place that does not exist, the server automatically sets you back to map1. No stucco more!
    • Adminpage_ip is set by default to localhost to fend API attacks. Can still be adjusted in the CONFIG. In addition, the entire API system is disabled for security reasons and can be activated by using the CONFIG. Byebye API Tool
    • Numerous bugs even still today YMIR has been fixed
      Updated to 5.6.2 + Cryptopp
    • Boost increased to 1.55
    • Compiled with C + +11
    • Advanced spam protection was installed to prevent advertising!
    • Unknown packets are now left of the game completely fall. You no longer lead to a disconnect.
    • Choice of 4 inventory pages!
    • Skills can now also cause fire, ice, electricity, and darkness damage
    • Anti-Exp functions were fitted
      Reload + q has been corrected. It is not recommended as before, but it will now issue a warning if it should crash.
    • Fixed Numerous format errors that the game file can actually crash!...
      Gamplay Changes
    • HP / MP Overflow have been fixed. From now on, go locker over 32k HP / MP without reset
    • Speed Hack limit was newly established, so that a Return Teleport no longer should happen when riding
    • Item.remove () will no longer remove stacks! Instead, it will reduce the stack by only 1. Should only be one left, the "stack" is deleted.
    • Guild Erstellunge under level 40 are no longer possible
    • Guild war requests can not crash the server
    • Immunbug completely fixed!
    • Anti-Overflow prevents obtained from too much gold when to buy / sell, even through quests!
      Activated + glass of insight
    • 6/7 bonis entbuggt
    • Fixed Verwandlungsbug
    • Empire selection exploit has been fixed
    • Belt System and dragon alchemy stone activated
    • Guild Experience table up to 50 levels increased!
      New config options
      MAX_LEVEL_STATUS: {unsigned int}
      Max level for status points. If you rise higher, you will get to the level no more status points.
    MAX_STATUS: {unsigned int}
    Sets the maximum for stat points. In other Worden: If you increase it to 30setzt, then you can each state only up to 30 points (vit, int, etc..).

    SERVER_CHECK: {1/0}
    Enables / Disables the verification of client and server version. If this does not match the version, the player is thrown with a message after a short time from the server.

    Server_version: {unsigned int}
    Sets the server version for the SERVER_CHECK.

    MAX_HT: {unsigned int}
    The same as MAX_STATUS. Applies but with a higher priority for VIT.

    MAX_IQ: {unsigned int}
    The same as MAX_STATUS. Applies but with a higher priority for INT.

    MAX_ST: {unsigned int}
    The same as MAX_STATUS. Applies but with a higher priority for STR.

    MAX_DX: {unsigned int}
    The same as MAX_STATUS. Applies but with a higher priority for DEX.

    ATTR_ALWAYS_ADD: {1/0}
    Enables / Disables Bonis always 100% be added.

    ATTR_ALWAYS_5_ADD: {1/0}
    Enables / Disables Bonis always 100% be added. Only valid for 5 bonuses!

    Specifies how many seconds (Important seconds, not minutes!), A player or GM has to wait until he can change a bonus again.

    GUILD_MAX_LEVEL: {int}
    Specifies the maximum guild level. Maximum: 50 (the Guild table can hold up to 50 levels)

    If you droppst an item that specifies the time how long the item is written on your name.

    MIN_ADDON_FKS: {int}
    Returns the minimum of skill damage at VMS, etc.

    MIN_ADDON_DSS: {int}
    Returns the minimum of average damage at VMS, etc.

    MAX_ADDON_FKS: {int}
    Specifies the maximum skill damage at VMS, etc.

    MAX_ADDON_DSS: {int}
    Specifies the maximum average damage at VMS, etc.

    Sets the wait time, how long you have to wait to read another skill book (in seconds).

    Sets the experience that you need to read a skill book.

    Enables / Disables Concentrated reading on ALL books, etc. regardless of whether you used a concentrated reading or not.

    Specifies how long you have to wait to drop again after a Yang Yang can drop.

    Enables / Disables the SEQUENCE check.

    Enables / disables whether you need several books to upgrade a skill of the m-stage

    Specifies whether the prices will be increased in foreign empires or not

    HORSE_MAX_LEVEL: {int}
    Specifies the maximum level for horses.

    Specifies the maximum number of love points. Important! Love points> 100 = No divorce possible.

    Specifies the maximum movement speed of the player.

    Specifies the maximum attack speed of the players.

    Specifies the maximum movement speed of monsters.

    Specifies the maximum attack speed of the monster.

    TAXES: {0-100}
    Specifies the control in%, which is payable shopping.

    DYE_LEVEL: {int}
    Specifies how many levels you have to wait to dye your hair without bleach again can.

    YANG_MAX: {long long}
    Specifies the maximum number of Yang. Maximum: 999 999 999 999

    Enables / Disables the package system, which has been added as of rev 40k. Disabled by default.

    LOG_LEVEL: {0-3}
    Sets the logging.
    0 = no loggs be stored in the database.
    1 = The most important logs are created in the database.
    2 = All logs are created in the log.

    NEW_TEST_SERVER: {0/1}
    Enables / Disables a protection that checks even in test server is activated if the player is registered in the gmlist. Otherwise, no rights are granted.

    NEW_GM_HOST_CHECK: {1/0}
    Enables / Disables your new host check for GM rights.

    Enables / disables the API functions. Disabled by default.

    When enabled, localhost is not entered in the admin page. Caution! The activation may create a security hole!

    ITEM_FLOOR_TIME: {int}
    Specifies how long items that dropped from monsters, remain lying on the floor.

    MAX_RANK_POINTS: {long int}
    Specifies how many rank points you can have a maximum.

    Sets the default movement speed of the player. An increase could for example replace wind shoes and so keep the space for other IS-free items.

    Enables / Disables all items can be placed in the belt, not just potions.

    Enables / Disables adding 6/7-Bonis.

    GOLD_DROP_TIME: {int}
    Specifies how long remains Dropped gold lying on the ground.

    ITEM_DROP_TIME: {int}
    The same as GOLD_DROP_TIME. But Applies to items.

    Specifies how many seats belts are freed. If the number is higher than the belt can hold, you've ausgerüstst, the courts, which defines the CONFIG option cleared. If lower, are the places that can take the belt is used. This only works if you also wearing a belt. Client Side changes are necessary in order to make visually possible.

    TRADE_EFFECT: {1/0}
    Enables an effect that is produced when trading of goods or Yang.

    Bann reasons must be stated in order to capture players ingame.

    START_GOLD: {long int}
    Specifies how much gold is to have a player from the start.

    When activating the rank checking is reduced and players can use View_equip.

    Specifies how much MP it costs the player to use view_equip.

    GLASS_ENABLE: {1/0}
    Enables / Disables the glass of insight.

    GLASS_NEEDED: {1/0}
    Enables / disables that one "glass of insight" function actually needed a glass of insight when using the and this also disappears when using.

    Indicates how much Yang is necessary to produce a new particle in TRADE_EFFECT.

    The same as TRADE_EFFECT_EXCHANGE_THRESHOLD, but acts only if you buy items in stores.

    Standard is at 10 Specifies how long the server waits for a failed version check until he throws the player from the server (The message is sent immediately anyway)

    When activating no more emotion masks are required.

    When you enable same-sex characters can use emotions.

    Enables / Disables the Speed Hack-check, which is able to teleport players. Warning! Only for debugging reasons disable!

    Enables / Disables the new quest trigger "execute". Still in development.

    EXP_NEED_THRESHOLD: {unsigned long long int}
    Sets the experience that is needed, one should come to the level of the Exp table.

    Specifies at what skill level can jump around skills to master.

    When activating jump Skills ALWAYS in SKILL_MASTER_UPGRADE order to master.

    Fixt the calculation of the Dark protection in Magiesuras. Normal third is always deducted from damage with this change, the reduced scaled value with the skill level, as it also describes the skill. Important! When activating the skill should be nerfed, otherwise about 100% reduction would be possible ..
    Metin 2 Server
