Имена участников (разделяйте запятой).
i think that isn't the problem look at this same problem, can be used without charges, if you have 4 charges it consumes 4. <skill id="443"...
skills.dtd haven't a condition for charges, you know how to add it? <!ELEMENT player (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST player...
i think that isn't the problem because all skills use the correct charges if u have it, but the problem is the condition because you can use with...
Hello i'm using l2Script Zaken, and my problem is ALL skills of duelist/gk who requires momentums (charges) aren't using as condition, so you can...
Fixed installing last version of java 1.8 Anyone knows where is the formula for "num_charges" because duelist/grand khavatari skills can be used...
it's java problem, FIXED so CLOSE PLEASE
(ENGLISH) Very nice datapack! has a bug IT the when you use the any cubic: http://prntscr.com/m7ouf5 the If you the know what the below code...
(ENGLISH) Very nice datapack! it has a bug when you use any cubic: http://prntscr.com/m7ouf5 If you know what the code is. (Ru) Very good data...